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RF Venue’s Customers Drive its Success

  • Singular focus: No RF dropouts or interference, so your message is heard
  • Proven technology: Over 10,000 global installations
  • Continuous innovation: RF Venue provides equipment unique in the industry, challenging old myths and assumptions with patented products that address the biggest challenges in RF
  • Broad applicability: RF Venue products work with any brand wireless microphone or IEM system
  • Trust: RF Venue customer satisfaction score is twice as good as the average company’s. And its Net Promoter Score is +67—few companies anywhere have a better one
  • Affordability and reliability: RF Venue products usually cost the same as or less than products from other companies. Example: Two antennas can be replaced with just one RF Venue Diversity Fin antenna — superior performance at lower cost

About RF Venue

RF Venue Blog

Finding signal in the noise. RF Spectrum, wireless audio, and more.

A Publication of RF Venue, Inc

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Bob Lee

Bob Lee

Bob Lee is an application engineer and trainer at RF Venue, Inc., having worked in pro audio and broadcasting for more than four decades. Bob started doing live theatre sound in 1980 with analog boards and area mics, because only the biggest theatre companies had wireless back then. He designed and serviced wireless mic systems of all sizes and wrote the TURBO-RF frequency coordination program for Sennheiser, spent 27 years in various technical marketing and support roles at QSC, and was lead audio engineer at the Ivoryton Playhouse in Essex, Connecticut. He is an amateur radio operator (call sign KN6PXS), a member of USITT, and a Fellow in the Audio Engineering Society.